by Missy Milbourn
This Week's Verse: Psalm 139:1-3, "O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways." (NIV)
I love to read devotions. They encourage me. They often teach me, and they help my mind to focus during my quiet time. However, the reason that I love them the most is that God often speaks to me through them. I’m amazed at how often that happens, when the devotion matches up with the current circumstances in my life. This week, I saw that same thing happen in the life of our six year old.
Tuesday night at bedtime, Josh started asking a lot of questions about God. The last question he asked before he settled in for a good night’s rest was this, “What is God doing right now? Is He sleeping?”
I don’t remember the exact answer I gave Him, but it was something to the effect of, “God doesn’t sleep, He watches over you while you sleep.”
He then asked, “Can He see me in my underwear?”
“Yep”, I replied with a chuckle, “He can see you in your underwear.”
“Can He see everyone?” Josh asked.
“Yep, He can see everyone.” We talked a little bit more about God and Jesus, and about how Jesus comes to live in your heart, and then we all went to bed.
The next morning, I woke up at 5:30 for my quiet time. I nestled into my quiet time chair, and not long after, here came Josh. It was WAY too early for him to be awake, so I made him lie down on the couch to go back to sleep, all the while thinking to myself “great, there goes that quiet time.”
How wrong I was. Evidently, God wanted Josh included in my quiet time. As soon as Joshua’s head hit the pillow on the couch, he started back in with the questions. “Mom, how can God see me, and at the same time see someone in another part of the world?” I explained how God is all knowing, and that He is “God” that He created us, that He created the whole world. Then I read to Him from Genesis chapter one, “In the beginning…” As I read, Josh kept interacting with questions and comments. I got to about day four of the creation process, and he raised his head up from the pillow and said, “Mom, I might go back to sleep now.”
“Okay Josh,” I said. And he did.
We have a book of devotions that was written for young children, and nearly every night I’ll read Josh his devotion. So Wednesday night, we opened the book to the proper day of the month, and the title of the devotion was “Hide and Seek”. Here’s what it said…
Parker is playing hide-and-seek with his friends. Do you think he can find Zoe and Jack? Have you ever played hide and seek? When you hide behind a tree or a big bush, your friends can’t see you, especially if it’s dark! But God can always sees you no matter where you are. Whether it’s late at night or the middle of the day. God knows exactly where you are. You can never hide from God. He will always love you and take care of you.
Josh and I both marveled at God’s timing with that devotion. How God took special care of answering Joshua’s question in a way that he could understand.
God wants to answer your questions too. He knows the things that your inquiring mind wants to know. He knows what you’re struggling with. And I believe that whether it’s a big struggle, or a little struggle, God wants to meet you there to help guide you through it. Will you meet with Him? Joshua’s devotion took three minutes to read, but God spoke volumes through it. I encourage you to allow God the opportunity to answer your questions.
Father, so many times we wonder and wander through our questions mulling over what the answer might be and all the while I imagine you waiting patiently on us in hopes that we’ll bring it to you. You are a God who watches over us, who created us, who knows us better than we know ourselves. Help us to remember that it’s not all about us. It’s not just that we need to spend time with you to gain knowledge, but that it’s about You wanting to be a part of our everyday lives. You are such a loving God. Help us to continually walk with you and talk with you. In Jesus Name…Amen.
Invest in a daily devotional book, or subscribe to one on-line by going to
Normally, a devotion is accompanied by a verse or two from the Bible. I encourage you to not just read the verse, but to read the chapter that it came from. God almost always provides me with insight as I read His Word.
Power Verses:
Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know.” (NIV)
Psalm, 139:1,2, “Even in darkness I cannot hide from you.” (NLT)
Matthew 19:14, “Let the children come to me, don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those that are like these children." (NLT)
Isaiah 40:11, “He tends his flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.” (NIV)
Joshua’s devotional book is called Devotions for Preschoolers written by Crystal Bowman.
I love it. It's amazing how God can use our kids to help us see Him through fresh eyes and drive His Word home even more. Josh's devotional sounds really good; I'll have to look into that.
ReplyDeleteI think this is God trying to get our attention. He uses our kids, co-workers, parents, anybody and everybody to get his message across. He often uses devos to knock on my door too. Thanks for sharing so personally.
ReplyDeleteI love devotionals too, Missy! And that seems to happen to me too. We'll be talking about something at work and then come Sunday morning John will reference it or it will be the subject of a devo or 3 people will mention it within the course of a week...I think this is God trying to get our attention and He definitely uses our kids and anyone else around to do the job. Thanks for sharing so personally!