by Kathy Lay
This Week’s Verse: Psalm 51:7, “Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” (NLT)
We’ve had a few lovely snowfalls recently with big flakes gently blowing and then coming to rest. As I appreciate the beauty of each pure white flake, I always wonder if the old saying is true: Each snowflake is uniquely different and no two are the same.
That amazes me. Of all the snowflakes of all times—unfathomable numbers!—no two share the same pattern. It’s like God is saying, “I’m so infinite that I don’t have to duplicate anything. I have endless design patterns even for snowflakes—and especially for my children.”
Consider the life-cycle of a snowflake. It’s formed in heaven with just the right combination of ingredients until it takes its intended perfect shape. It leaves heaven pure and clean and comes to earth—maybe floating effortlessly and tranquilly until it lands softly, or maybe being driven by harsh winds and sleet only to be slammed into something hard. Regardless, in its new world the snowflake is only temporary. It gets soiled and dirty, a little heat changes its shape, and when its time expires it evaporates and goes back to where it originated.
Aren’t children of God a lot like snowflakes? We’re all perfectly but uniquely formed, we travel distinct journeys, and we have varied allotments of time here on earth. But the difference between us and snowflakes is that we decide how dirty and changed we allow ourselves to become in our time here before we too pass into our next phase.
The wonderful thing is that even when we’re soiled, if we melt just enough to soften our crytalized sharpness and come pliable to the throne of Jesus, He restores our purity. Once again, we are white and pure and beautiful—we’re clean and worthy of coming back home to the place we originated.
Father God, every time we see a snowflake remind us of how infinite and personal You are. Thank You for Your mercies that never cease and Your forgiveness that cleanses us each and every time we ask with humble hearts, so that we are (again!) perfect in Your sight.
Okay, Snowflake. What worldly elements have tarnished your beautiful crystalline self? Melt into the presence of Jesus and allow Him to wash you clean. Resolve to spend more time in His word—the ultimate soul cleanser. When He’s forgiven you, rejoice in your restored, unique and pure white beauty so you can shine for Him.
Power Verses:
Job 37:6, “He directs the snow to fall on the earth and tells the rain to pour down.” (NLT)
Isaiah 55:10, “The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth. They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry.” (NLT)
Hey Kathy,
ReplyDeleteI love this devotion, and particularly this thought...
It’s like God is saying, “I’m so infinite that I don’t have to duplicate anything. I have endless design patterns even for snowflakes—and especially for my children.”
How great He is...