by Bethany Lashbrook
This Week’s Verse: Genesis 1:27, "Then God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." (NLT)
I have a confession to make (and know that this is very hard for me to admit). I am uncomfortable with my body. It has just been in the last several years that I have maintained this attitude. I am unhappy with my weight, my thighs, my belly, and anything that gravity has taken over. I would say that lately, the only things I have been happy with are the things that haven’t changed such as my eye color, my eyelashes, my hands and my feet.
I have been struggling with any attempts to ask God to help me correct this. I just want to go back to my glory high school days and be thin again. This past week I finally gave in and asked God what I could do to have a better image of myself…after all we are made in His likeness. At no surprise to me, God indirectly gave me the answers. They were tough to digest, and this will definitely be a work in progress, but he reminded me of how beautiful I am to Him.
I have read two separate books this week, both on completely different topics, and they both managed to touch the subject of self-worth. I will give you the take home messages of what I read. The first book explained how until we are truly comfortable in our bodies, we will never be happy. We will never thank God for our glorious bodies, but instead be jealous of others for their bodies. We will be ungrateful and therefore unkind to our Lord for what He has chosen to give us.
The second book talked about how in our culture, self-hatred is so common that we just assume it to be true. Other cultures can’t even imagine self-hatred because there is so much self-love. Self-what??? In a culture that tells us that eating nothing is “in” and being a bit on the heavier side is “out” – no wonder we all our so unhappy. Have you looked in a magazine lately? Beyond a certain brand of underwear, I don’t think I have seen one model that is even remotely close to my size.
After reading these two books God helped me understand two things. One, I was comparing my body to others. And two, I didn’t love my body like I should. So, setting out on a new adventure of this “self-love”, I am going to try to love my body. I am going to try to love me like God loves me.
I will set out today to the gym, a place where beautiful bodies walk through the door every couple of minutes. But, today is going to be a new day. One of those beautiful bodies is going to be mine. And I will be proud of what my Glorious and Massive God can do…make me in His likeness and in His image.
Thank you, Lord, for creating me like you. Forgive me for not appreciating my appearance as I should. Forgive me for yearning to have what others have. Forgive me for thinking that you should have made me different. I know you have a plan for my life, and I couldn’t do it without my body and my mind being the exact way that it is. Please help me to appreciate and understand all that I am with your eyes, Lord. Amen.
Application: Do you struggle with your image? Do you have any other struggles? Do you compare your house, car, and possessions to others? If so, thank God today for what He gave you. Ask Him to show you why he has given you these things and not others. Ask Him why He has asked you to struggle in certain areas of your life. He may not answer today, or it may not be the answer you were ready to hear, but He will answer.
Power Verses:
Psalm 86:4, "Give me happiness, O Lord, for I give myself to you." (NLT)
Ephesians 4:23-24, "And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude], And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God's image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness." (AMP)
1 Corinthians 12:18, "But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be."(NIV)
I totally relate to this. Thank you for being so honest and sharing your struggles.
ReplyDeleteBethany, I think you've touched on a subject that every woman struggles with. Thanks so much for providing the correct perspective. Your prayer should go on my bathroom mirror! :-)
ReplyDeleteYou are such a blessing to me, this ministry and our church! Thank you for being YOU in all your(and His) glory! I think He did a pretty good job on you Sister! Your heart is the most beautiful part....
ReplyDeleteBethany, you are such a hoot! This devotion was meant for me. I was upset Friday because it was warm and I had to find something to wear other than my "big comfy cover it all up - umpha shirts" and I threw this big fit cuz I hadn't lost more weight yet - and it was spring again!!! I needed to hear that. Thanks so much