
Friday, August 21, 2009


by Bethany Lashbrook

This Week’s Verse: Romans 15:17, “Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God.” (NIV)

One month ago summer was busy. My family—like most of yours—was in the midst of summer vacations, family reunions, swimming adventures, and of course, good old Vacation Bible School! For the first year, both my husband and I were able to volunteer for a week of fun! We decided to let Stacey, our children’s minister, assign us where needed. Risky? Yes. But we knew there was a great need for volunteers so we were willing to do anything, go anywhere!

It came to be that Clint and I were both needed for drama. Clint’s part came first on that Monday. He was Festus of Augustus. He was a wanna-be-athlete that won the crowd over. My part of Junia was the last night, and it went well as I proclaimed my loyalty to Christ, even as the Roman authorities were shutting down my business for that very fact. VBS was a wonderful experience for us both, and to my astonishment, it didn’t end that Friday.

John Cutshall had written in The Caller (something like) “these children will remember this VBS for a long time and will remember Rome and what it was like to be an early Christian.” I didn’t tell him this, but I was skeptical. I didn’t think that our parts would change anyone, or anything for that matter. Really, what could Clint and I have accomplished in our five minutes of drama?

A lot.

Last week, Clint and I were swinging on his grandma’s front porch when a scooter came whizzing by. Perched on this scooter were a father and his son. As soon as this boy saw Clint, he yelled “OLYMPIAN!!!” Three weeks after Clint had played Festus, this boy remembered who he was! This made my heart skip a beat!

Maybe Clint and I did make an impression on these children. Maybe they do understand the hardships of early Christians in Rome. Maybe God placed Clint and me where we were needed in order to impact at least one child, if not many more! Maybe this VBS will be remembered and Clint and I will look back on it in many years still smiling because our part in it was so fun and adventurous! Maybe, just maybe, God didn’t just change these children, but he changed Clint and me.

Often times, when we do something to bless someone else, we are the ones receiving the blessing.

This one moment, sitting on the front porch swinging, affirmed everything I believe in. My Lord, My savior loves me and wants to bless my life in big ways, in small ways, and in unexpected ways. And I’m so grateful for that.

Dear Lord, thank you for sending this child to remind me we are all needed and called to further the Kingdom of God. Thank you, Lord, for our ministers who work so hard to reach out to these children. Thank you for the many volunteers that make each year’s VBS so special. And of course, thank you for the wonderful children you send to each year’s VBS so we may teach them about you! Amen.

Is the Lord calling you to do something, but you are scared? He will stand by you. Like many, you might not quite understand the Lord’s will, but He will reveal it to you if you follow His lead.

Power Verses:
3 John 1:4, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” (NIV)
1 Corinthians 14:12, “Since you're so eager to participate in what God is doing, why don't you concentrate on doing what helps everyone in the church?” (MSG)

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