
Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

"My prayer for this ministry is that women become united by opening up and sharing their hearts with others. I pray for God to fill these women with the Spirit as they write these devotions." ~Denise Reed

"I look forward to reading the devotional every week because we really get to know the heart of the woman doing the writing. Women are a lot busier now than they used to be. If we make enough time for our own families, our church activities and still hold down a full time job, that leaves little time for "friend time". We are all friends in one way or another. It's nice know how many of our gals at FCC love the Lord with all of their hearts and souls. Keep writing girls - We love you and are praying for you all." ~Debby Craig

"It has been so exciting to see the Olive Branch grow! I love how more and more women have stepped up to answer God's call to share through their writing. I'm honored to have been a part of it's launching four years ago, and I'm blessed to see it has flourished under new management. God's hand is on the Olive Branch." ~Kathy Lay

"The Olive Branch serves as a God-inspired ministry, directed at women from women whose hearts are focused on the Lord. Everything written is evidence to this." ~Charity Pence

"The Olive Branch provides encouragement, guidance, and a lot of wake-up calls to me once a week, and it always seems to be just what I needed. Thanks to everyone who has been so willing to serve." ~Brenda Pickering

"Olive Branch is a place where I can both give encouragement to and receive encouragement from my sisters in Christ. When I go to the Olive Branch blog I know I will find others that are facing the same struggles that I am. I will also find sisters that are encountering victories over the enemy and sharing with me how to do the same." ~Mollie Thompson

"Watching this blog grow has been exciting! I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for the next year!" ~Bethany Lashbrook

Psalm 30:4, "Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people; praise his holy name." (NIV)

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