
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Life can be short, share Jesus!

by: Jessica Finney

I hope you don't mind but this one will be a little different.  I want to remind everyone how things can change in just a moment.  We found that out last Monday evening.

As some of you know my parents got into a wreck last Monday evening on their way to Willis Chapel Revival.  They were heading on new 40 getting ready to turn left on snake trail road.  As they turned they were hit by a vehicle that didn't have her lights on and was trying to pass.  For those of you that don't know that road it is on a little bit of a hill and is a no passing zone.  They didn't even know there was another vehicle around until they got hit.  It pushed them so hard that it pushed them towards some trees several feet away from the road.  My mom hit her head and was woozy.  She was trying to brake but the van wouldn't stop.  Thankfully my dad was able to grab the wheel and turn it before it hit the trees and shut the vehicle off.  After a few seconds or minutes, just long enough for the other driver to get her airbag out of her face she drives off.  A guy saw her drive off and checked on my mom and dad first then went after her to get a license plate number.  Thankfully, she was caught farther down the road.  My mom has whip lash, bruises, and received a bump on the head and my dad's neck is a little sore but praise the Lord that it wasn't any worse then it was.

When something like this happens, it really comes to light how short life could really be and we need to appreciate what we have and we need to do all we can to bring others to Christ before it is to late for them.

My parents and I have already forgiven the lady and pray for her salvation.  Though I am sure at least with me, I will need to keep praying for God to take away any anger that even tries to start.

I am going to try to find ways to bring alcohol awareness to more people because this is a good reason why it isn't good to drive.  She was 4 times over the legal limit.  So PLEASE don't drink and drive!

Dear heavenly father, I can't thank you enough for allowing my parents to live.  I realize that just a few more inches, Lord, and it would have been a lot worse then it was.  I praise you for showing your glory and protecting them.  I also pray that you be with the one that hit them that she may come to know you and that others may realize how short life really is and come to know you.  Let this be an eye opener that we need to let more people know about you!  In Jesus name, Amen

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