
Sunday, January 25, 2015

God's love for us

by Jessica Finney

I am taking part of this from what Dan Ledley read this morning at Willis Chapel because I thought it was too good not to share.

Please read Psalm 78

These verses are talking about Moses and their trip in the desert.  Can you imagine the scenerio God has given them blessing after blessing but how soon did they forget it?  Every time they turned around they were complaining about something.  When they started complaining about the food and not having any meat, the Lord got angry.  Wouldn't you if someone just kept complaining about something you were doing when you were giving them everything they needed?  But do you notice what it says shortly after it talks about God being angry?  It says He gave them meat.   Here they are complaining that He isn't giving them enough and to me they should be more grateful for what they had, but He loved them enough to give them what they had requested.

You know He does the same for us.  How often do we complain about something we are going through, even though He has got us through other trials and wants to do the same again?  We don't deserve it and we are definitely not showing our gratitude.

The next time we start complaining, let us try to remember what God has done for us before we speak.

Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you today with grateful hearts for all the things that you have given us.  Help us to not complain when things are not going our way. Help us to keep the attitude you want us to have so others can see You in us. In Jesus, name, amen.

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