
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Be Humble

by: Jessica Finney

1 Peter 5:5-7 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another and be clothed with humility, for "God resists the proud, But gives grace tot the humble." Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

I think we have had all been to a church where there is one or two that want to control everything.  Maybe you are one that has trouble wanting to control everything and everybody around you. There are people who will try to manipulate you and everything else just to get their way.  You expect it from the world but you don't always expect it from people that call themselves Christians. But you know what, we are all human and there will be problems among each other as long as Satan is in the world.  There are some that don't even realize how controlling they are and there are some that know exactly what they are doing.

I know anytime I have tried to take control of my life it didn't go well. We need to stay humble and realize God will take care of us. When we put ourselves in the controlling position then we are taking God out of it.  We are saying God; we can take care of it. You know what happens when we do? We are destined for a fall.  God knows best for our lives. When we try to control other people, we just make people not want to be around us and we are hindering God from doing powerful things in our churches.  When non-Christians see us mad or aggravated at one another, it prevents them to come to Christ so then we become a stumbling block.  I have also seen new Christian's get hurt in a church and never want to step foot in church again.  That isn't the right thing to do but I sure can understand it. 

This week lets take a long look at ourselves and see if we are the controlling ones.  Lets humble ourselves and see how God wants us to handle the ones that are trying to control us.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for taking care of us.  We pray that you show us your way and help us to be humble and let you lead.  Help us to be mindful of those around us and not be controlling over them so we can work together for Your good.  Help us to know how to handle the ones that are controlling around us so people can see You in us. We want to bring others to You and not be a hindrance to the world. In Jesus, precious name, Amen

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