
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Jesus forgives our sins!

John 8:11 She said "No one, Lord." And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." 

How awesome is it to know, if we truly repent form our sin Jesus is quick to forgive us? He could have thrown stones at her because we know He was without sin but He didn't.

Obviously, we are human, we cannot possibly go out and sin no more but we need to start making a conscious effort to try to reflect Jesus to others as much as possible. We need to pray for convictions of our sins.

Too often, we want to judge other people. We want to throw the first stone. When in reality it isn't our place to judge. How can we judge someone else, when we have a sin we need to work on?  All sins keep us from the Father so why do we judge other people's sins as worse then ours? Sometimes it is to make ourselves feel better. We say at least I don't do that. Thankfully, Jesus isn't throwing stones at us.

This week let us try to focus in on our own sins and ask God to cleanse us from them.

Lord, please help us to focus on You and not other people's sins. Help us to love one another and not judge one another. Help us to reflect You in our lives so others will come to know You. In Jesus name, Amen