
Monday, November 30, 2015

A Bee Lesson
by Lisa Gard

     My brother and I are beekeepers.  We bought 2 hives, bees and all the equipment we needed last spring and got into the bee business.  I love the bees! My family and friends will tell you that I can't stop talking about them....they are so amazing.  And the payoff is really sweet.. ..honey! All was well with the bees.
     But as rookie beekeepers,  we made a terrible mistake.  We were in a hurry one day when checking a hive and we got careless. We believe we must have accidentally killed the queen bee in that hive, because bad things began to happen.
     A week after checking the hive we began noticing dead bees....hundreds of them. Bees were fighting in front of the hive. We investigated and asked questions of our fellow beekeepers and found out that we had a bad robbing situation  on our hands. The bees from our other hive were coming over and killing the bees and robbing their honey. Without a queen, the colony had become weak and was not strong enough to defend itself against a stronger colony. In two weeks the queenless hive was completely destroyed. ...empty of bees and honey. How very sad!
     I was sharing this with a friend and she said, "I wonder if that's how God sees us?" I thought about that....
     I think our hearts are sort of like a beehive. We need to keep our king - Jesus - alive in our hearts so that we can be strong enough to defend ourselves against the attacks of satan. He is out to seek, kill and destroy...just like the robber bees. He wants to steal our joy (our honey). But with Jesus alive in our heart we need have no fear because He has power over satan! Our defense is strong, because He who is in us is stonger than he who is in the world!
     Thank you, Jesus, for defeating satan and for giving us power, strength and wisdom against his evil schemes. We desire to make and keep you King in our hearts. Please bless us and keep us in your care as we daily walk with you. In your precious name we pray, Amen

      The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10.
     I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you  with power through His spirit in your inner being,  so that Christ may dwell  in your hearts through faith. Ephesians 3:16,17a