
About Us

Who are we?
We are the women of First Christian Church, located in Marshall, Illinois.
Some of us have a passion for reaching the lost.  Some of us have a passion for growing and serving new believers in Christ.  We all want to see Jesus glorified and consider serving Him an awesome privilege and responsibility.  We are His tools.

What are we doing?
Sharing God's word and reaching others for Jesus.  Our mission is twofold.  We desire to serve our local community.  Therefore, we host occasional women's events locally so we can encourage and strengthen women who desire to grow close to their savior Jesus Christ.  But our goal doesn't stop there.  People around the world are hurting and need to hear God's message for them.  This blog allows us the opportunity to reach further than our area.

Want to connect with us?
There are several ways to contact us.  You can comment on our blog posts or send an email to 

We also have a Facebook page.  Find us here:

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