
Monday, December 15, 2014

Cherishing Jesus at Christmas

by: Jessica Finney

Have you ever thought about how Joseph and Mary raised the Son of God?  What were they thinking about as they held Jesus in their arms? Were they overwhelmed with emotions? Did they praise God everyday for entrusting them with something so big?  Did they fully understand how big it was? I have.  I often think more on Mary, as she not only held Him but carried Him in her womb.  Was she thinking already of the cross He would have to be crucified on?

Luke 2:19 But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering the in her heart.

I can't help but think that she cherished every moment that she had with Him.  Even if she couldn't quite fully understand how everything would turn out.

This Christmas, as we cherish our family time, lets remember the reason for the season and cherish that Jesus was born in a lowly manger and one day would die on a cross for our sins to raise again on the third day so we could have eternal life.

Dear Lord, even though I have no idea how Joseph and Mary felt at Jesus birth and on. I do know that it is important for us to celebrate the real reason for Christmas.  I pray that in all the hustle and bustle that people will take some time to reflect on what your birth really meant for us.  Thank you for the eternal life you have promised us.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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