
Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Resolutions

by: Jessica Finney

Year after year people make resolutions and don't keep them.  So why do we make them when probably nine out of ten of them, we know from the start we do not plan to keep them?  I have decided that earthly resolutions are just a waste of my time. If I don't plan to fully go into them anytime during the year, then what makes a new year any different?

This year as I think more about what God would want me to do in my life, I feel He would say make everyday  a resolution to share the gospel with others, draw closer to Him by reading His word and praying more.  Do you know what an impact we could make on people if we did all of those things daily?  We could reach so many for Christ.

Therefore He said unto them, The harvest is truly great , but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest. Luke 10:2

Are you up to the challenge? Sharing the gospel, reading His word, praying without ceasing, and most important listening to His calling and going/doing what He wants you to do (no matter what it is)?

I have felt for awhile that God has a plan for me that He is getting me ready for.  The scary fear of thinking it might be an encouraging speaker of some sort or to share the gospel through drama's. Whatever the Lord has in store, I have heard more and more as I pray about what He would like me to do. That He doesn't call the equipped but equips the called.

Dear Lord, as we go through this new year let us listen to you and know what you want us to do.  Help us to share the gospel and draw others to you.  Let us make a impact for the kingdom of God. Let us be ready for the harvest. Give us the strength to do what You want us to do no matter how hard it may seem or how unequipped we feel. In Jesus precious  name, amen.

1 comment:

  1. There's an old hymn titled I Am Resolved. I am resolved to follow the Savior ... can't think of the rest of it right now.
